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Showing posts from September, 2009

Wknd in the Mtns... The Nature Place

Leading at the Edge Wknd... wow, what a great way to bring the classroom into the natural world, good times! Leading at the Edge: This course uses the experiences & accomplishments of the 10th Mountain Division as a metaphor for values-based leadership, innovation, teamwork, & global perspective. It challenges students to work as a team & evaluate their abilities in a difficult changing mountain setting. The result is stronger bonds within the cohort, team-building skills & increased self-awareness. My PMBA class went down south in the mtns to the Nature Place in Florrisant, CO. 3 fun-filled days of compass learning, map reading, pacing, hiking, orienteering, knot tying, rope dangling, rock climbing, repelling, team building, critical thinking, leadership training, trust building, values testing, challenging our minds, and other activities. It was a great experience to learn more about myself and others. It was a bit colder in the mtns but the sun still shined through


Anybody out there? All I hear is my own Echo Echo Echo , my own damn E-echo. No one is near me. No one can hear me. With my own damn Echo! E-echo! No one to hear me. There's nobody near me. Thank you Gorilla Zoe.

DU's Orientation

I haven’t started class yet, but we had orientation this week for my program. It went pretty well. 3 days for 4 hours each (we got to drink 2 out of 3 days). I met the dean, students, professors, and staff. We received books for the 1st quarter, 1 Financial Acctg book and 2 small Daniels Compass books. We also got a tshirt, waterbottle, and will be getting a backpack or messenger bag (I chose messenger bag). Most of it was telling us about the university, the college, the libraries, and the extracurriculars, but we also had lectures and a laptop setup session. If anyone knows about Carl Jung’s model of personality or Insights Discovery or Color Energies , I learned that I am a green, big surprise right? If anybody wants me to elaborate just ask me! The majority of the class is male, younger, and it turns out most are married. I actually feel like I am on the older side, a lot of kids out of undergrad college about 2 or 3 years, whereas I graduate 6 yrs ago. I also feel old when everyt