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Showing posts from February, 2010

I'm Actually Learning Something...

So I haven't wrote anything in a lil while and recently had 2 epiphanies that I am actually thinking and applying things learned I've in class to my everyday life. It's not rocket science in the least but here goes: Ethics for the 21st Century: I watched Duplicity the other night and I kept getting annoyed. All I kept thinking about was how unethical these people were being by lying, cheating, stealing, playing games, being greedy, etc. Businesses should be run ethically with truth, honesty, integrity, courage, open communication, sustainability, innovation, and intelligence amongst others values at all times. Creating Sustainable Enterprises: Last week, I come home annoyed to my fairly large apartment complex to see big, blue, plastic bags full of phone books by each apartment door. Not only was it 1 huge phone book, but 3! And not only was it my apt complex but other complexes as well as houses. Come on, who actually still uses phone books anymore but poor people and ol